XY mice showed more rapid habit formation to alcohol, regardless of gonadal phenotype. a, After moderate training, XY mice were insensitive to alcohol devaluation, indicating habitual responding. XX mice remained goal-directed. *XXM and XXF devalued mice make fewer active nosepokes than valued mice after devaluation. p < 0.05. b, Devalued mice consumed less of the alcohol reinforcer in a 30 min consumption test. Gonadal females consumed more alcohol than gonadal males in this ad libitum context. p < 0.05. Error bars represent SEM. Post hoc analyses conducted with Tukey's HSD. Valued: XYM n = 8, XYF n = 6, XXM n = 8, XXF n = 7. Devalued XYM n = 8, XYF n = 6, XXM n = 6, XXF n = 6.