LTP and spine expansion are transient, but LTD is normal, in adult cKO neurons. A, Representative images and EPSP traces from single CA1 neurons showing persistent spine expansion with the induction of TBP-LTP in control neurons (top row) but transient expansion (bottom row) and potentiation (traces) in cKO neurons. Expanded and stable spines are marked by arrowheads and arrows, respectively. The spines and EPSP traces are shown before (1), 5 min after (2), and 45 min after (3) TBP, and correspond to times shown in the population data (B, C). Scale bar, 1 μm. B, Population data showing EPSPs recorded from the same neurons as in C. TBP (arrow) induces only a transient potentiation in cKO neurons (open) but long-lasting LTP in control neurons. C, Population data showing spine enlargement following TBP (arrow) in cKO or control neurons. Initial spine expansion in the cKO neurons is identical to controls, but spine expansion becomes unstable without N-cadherin. Data shown in B and C were collected from a total of 70 spines from 12 cells from 12 slices (cKOs), and a total of 64 spines from 11 cells from 11 slices (controls). D, Field recordings of TBS-induced LTP (arrow) in CA1 in acute slices (n = 12 cKO slices; 11 control slices) taken from the same cKO and control mice shown in A–C. Inset, In this and subsequent panels, representative EPSP traces recorded at times indicated. Calibration: 10 ms, 0.5 mV. E, F, Field recordings in CA1 in acute slices from adult cKO or control mice show no differences between genotypes in two kinds of LTD [LFS, an NMDA receptor-dependent form (E), or ppLFS, a metabotropic receptor, protein synthesis-dependent form (F)].