Blocking IL-10 and TGF-β during acute schistosomiasis causes profound neutrophilia in peritoneal cavity and spleen. A, Inflammatory cells from peritoneal lavage from naive or S. mansoni-inoculated mice (day 52) treated with 1 mg each of anti-IL-10R/TGF-β mAbs or left untreated. B, Spleen cells from naive or S. mansoni-inoculated mice (day 52) were stained for Ly6G/C (GR-1+) and Mac-1 (CD11b+) following injection with 1 mg of anti-IL-10R/TGF-β or control mAbs. Means ± SE of total numbers per spleen from four mice/group. Percent gated population shown on graph. Experiments performed twice with similar results (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001; and ****, p < 0.0001 compared with isotype control treated group).