Figure 5.
Metastatic liver tumor development in Alb-Cre;Nf2lox/lox mice. (A) Survival of Alb-Cre;Nf2lox/lox mice. While many animals died within a few months of age, likely due to compromised liver function, those that survived beyond ∼30 wk all developed frank HCC and CC. (B) Multiple tumors are macroscopically evident in a 64-wk-old Alb-Cre;Nf2lox/lox liver. (C,D) Hematoyxlin and eosin staining reveals both CC and HCC neoplasias in the liver of an 83-wk-old Alb-Cre;Nf2lox/lox;GtRosa26lox/stop/lox mouse. (C) 100×. (D) 400×. (E–G) Lung metastases from the liver shown in C. Hematoxylin and eosin staining (40×). HCC metastases in the lung exhibit LacZ expression, as revealed by whole-mount (F) and paraffin section (G).