Maximum likelihood tree based on cox1 sequences. For the Trichobilharzia querquedulae clade only some of the worms sequenced are represented as many differed by only one base pair. The “*” indicates node support of >95% bootstrap for MP and ME and >98 Bayesian PP. The ‘-’ indicates no significant node support. Outgroup species of Schistosoma were collapsed. For convenience, the following taxa were trimmed from the tree, but were fully supported in the clade: W137blteLA, W156blteNM, W148.1citeNM, W148.2citeNM, W155.3citeNM, W158noshNM, W162noshNM, W183noshCA, SDS1006noshNE, E45blteFL (Table III). The same was done for T. physellae, except in one case there were identical haplotypes: TpB = W171lescPA, W193lescNM, W255buheNM, W263PhysaNM. Otherwise, the following with only 1–2 bp differences were removed W211olsqAK, W193lescNM, W236PhysaMI, W230.1comeMI, and W256lescNM.