Figure 4.
(a) Anginex adopts a beta-stranded conformation in lipid micelles. CD spectra of anginex in solution at room temperature. The spectra were obtained at 25 °C and pH 5.5 for 25 μM anginex in water (broken line), 100 μM anginex in water (dotted line), and 25 μM anginex in 125 mM DPC (continuous line). The one-dimensional 15N chemical shift NMR spectrum of [15N] Val22-labeled anginex in unoriented lipid bilayers ((b) continuous line) is similar to the powder pattern calculated for a rigid 15N amide site ((b) dotted line). (c) The spectrum for anginex in oriented lipid bilayers has a single resonance frequency at 75 ppm, and (d) is consistent with two possible models for anginex membrane association. In model I, anginex traverses the membrane, while in model II it rests on the membrane surface. The Val22 NH bond is marked as black and white spheres.