Differences in masker level necessary for a fixed level of detectability (79% correct) between short-delay (5-ms) and long-delay (200-ms) signals, using maskers of differing bandwidth. The signal was 4.0 kHz, 60 dB SPL, and 10 ms in duration. Bars indicate averages across all seven subjects and symbols indicate individual data in each condition. The noise bandwidths were: 0.1 – 6.0 kHz (wideband), 0.1 – 3.8 kHz (lowpass), 3.8 – 4.2 kHz (bandpass), and 4.2 – 6.0 kHz (highpass). Error bars indicate one standard error of the mean difference. For each bandwidth of the noise, at least 3 blocks of 50 trials each were collected for both the short- and long-delay conditions for every subject.