Comparative analysis of PMN counts in peripheral blood of RMs during primary infection with the pathogenic SIVmac251 strain or the attenuated SIVΔnef strain and AGMs. A, PMN count kinetics in Chinese RMs. During the first 2 mo, variations in PMN counts were monitored in peripheral blood from SIVΔnef (n = 4), SIV+ RMs (n = 15) (slow progressors, RM SP, and moderate progressors, RM MP), and AGMs (n = 5).*, p < 0.05, Significantly different from SIVΔnef at the same time; †, p < 0.05, significantly different from RM SP at the same time. B, Regression analysis comparing the loss of PMN (day 0 value minus day 14 value) and viremia on day 120 in Chinese rhesus macaques (ρ = 0.83; p = 0.0009). C, PMN count kinetics in Mamu-A*01+ and non-Mamu-A*01 Indian RM.