Figure 1. Direct effects of Dextran Sulfate (DSS) on mucus formed by explant cultures of human and mouse colon.
(A) Effects of 3% DSS and 3% Dextran on the mucus thickness in mouse distal colon explants (n = 7 in each group, p<0.001) and human sigmoid colon biopsies (n = 6 in each group, p<0.01). Data is presented as mean ± SEM. The control values are normalized to 100 and the student's t-test was used to analyze the effect of the respective treatments. (B) The tissue showed a nice crypt architecture in the XY focal plane when stained with CellTracer BODIPY TR methyl ester as seen in red. (C) Z-section of an X-Y confocal image stack of secreted mucus on a mouse colon explants exposed to 3%DSS or Dextran for 15 min. The tissue was stained with a red fluorescent dye and 2 µm green fluorescent beads were left to sediment onto the mucus. During control conditions the beads remained on top of the mucus. Exposure to DSS resulted in reduced mucus thickness and beads were able to reach the epithelial surface within 15 min. Dextran had no effect on either mucus thickness or permeability. Mucus top surface (1), inner firm mucus (2), and epithelium (3) are marked to the left and right.