Figure 4.
Electron-density maps. (a) Electron density defining positions of disulfide-bonded S atoms and buried solvent molecules is shown contoured at 4.6σ for sulfur and 2.2σ for water. (b) Electron density surrounding loops II and IV of conkunitzin-S1 is shown in stereo. The map is a simulated-annealed 2|F o| − |F c| OMIT map calculated to the 2.45 Å resolution limit and contoured at 1.2σ. N atoms are blue, O atoms are red and C atoms are gray. This figure was produced using Bobscript (Kraulis, 1991 ▶; Esnouf, 1999 ▶) and Raster3D (Merritt & Murphy, 1994 ▶).