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. 2010 Aug 6;5:69. doi: 10.1186/1748-717X-5-69

Table 1.

Patient characteristics

Patient Characteristics Distribution, n (%)
Gender Female 19 (83)
Male 4 (17)
Age (years) Median (range) 64 (37-76)
< 45 2 (8)
45 - 64 10 (44)
≥ 65 11 (48)
KPS 90 10 (43)
80 13 (57)
Histologic type Papillary 19 (83)
Poorly differentiated 4 (17)
Recurrence Primary tumor 8 (35)
Recurrent tumor 15 (65)
T stage at initial diagnosis T1-2 1 (4)
T3 14 (61)
T4 8 (35)
N stage at initial diagnosis N0 4 (17)
N1a 10 (44)
N1b 9 (39)
AJCC Stage at initial diagnosis I-II 3 (12)
III 10 (44)
IVA 10 (44)
T stage at pre-EBRT T0-2 3 (13)
T3 3 (13)
T4 17 (74)
N stage at pre-EBRT N0 3 (13)
N1a 4 (17)
N1b 16 (70)
AJCC Stage at pre-EBRT I-III 3 (13)
IVA 14 (61)
IVB 1 (4)
IVC 5 (22)
Tg* level(ng/mL) Median (range) 10 (0.2-1411)
< 10 11 (48)
≥ 10 12 (52)
Thyroid surgery Subtotal thyroidectomy 4 (17)
Total thyroidectomy 19 (83)
Lymph node surgery CND 6 (26)
CND+Unilateral SND/MRND 14 (61)
CND+Bilateral SND/MRND 3 (13)
Postoperative residuum No 3 (13)
Microscopic 2 (9)
Macroscopic 18 (78)
Radioiodine treatment No 4 (17)
Yes 19 (83)
EBRT volume Limited field 11 (48)
Elective field 12 (52)
EBRT dose (EQD2, Gy) Median (range) 62.5 (60-69)

Abbreviation: KPS = Karnofsky performance status; AJCC, American Joint Committee on Cancer; EBRT, external beam radiotherapy; Tg* = pre-EBRT serum thyroglobulin; CND = central compartmental neck dissection; SND = selective neck dissection; MRND = modified radical neck dissection; EQD2, biologically equivalent dose in 2 Gy fractions using a linear quadratic model (α/β ratio for acute effects on normal tissues and tumors = 10).