Table 1. Animals used for study.
Animal ID | Species | Virus | Days post infection | Infection Status | Major Pathologic/Clinical Findings | Opportunistic Infections | pVLa |
595 | RM | None | Uninfected | - | ND | None | NA |
DBM6 | RM | None | Uninfected | - | ND | None | NA |
34572A | RM | None | Uninfected | - | Pneumoconiosis | None | NA |
04D169 | RM | None | Uninfected | - | ND | None | NA |
P049 | RM | None | Uninfected | - | ND | None | NA |
27776b | RM | AT-2 SIVmac251 | Uninfected | - | ND | None | NA |
23053 | RM | SIVmac251 | 1 | Early Acute | Endometriosis, moderate | None | <125 |
30127 | RM | SIVmac251 | 1 | Early Acute | Splenomegaly, mild | None | <125 |
31373 | RM | SIVmac251 | 4 | Early Acute | Parathyroid Nodule | None | <125 |
31385 | RM | SIVmac251 | 4 | Early Acute | Gastritis | None | 1.5×103 |
30991 | RM | SIVmac251 | 6 | Early Acute | Cervical Ectopy | None | 2.3×104 |
31523 | RM | SIVmac251 | 6 | Early Acute | Generalized Lymphadenopathy, moderate | None | 7.3×104 |
26222 | RM | SIVmac251 | 7 | Early Acute | Lymphadenopathy, mild; Splenomegaly, mild; Intussusception, Ileocecal | None | 2.6×106 |
34498 | RM | SIVmac251 | 8 | Early Acute | Lymphadenopathy, generalized, marked | None | 2.5×106 |
28013 | RM | SIVmac251 | 9 | Early Acute | Lymphadenopathy, mild; Cervical ectopy | None | 2.5×106 |
24818 | RM | SIVmac251 | 10 | Early Acute | Lymphadenopathy, generalized, moderate-marked | None | 9.9×106 |
24037 | RM | SIVmac239 | 14 | Late Acute | Lymphadenopathy, generalized, marked; Splenomegaly; Hepatic Lipidosis; Endometritis, mild, Chronic | None | 2.3×108 |
27099 | RM | SIVmac239 | 21 | Late Acute | Lymphadenopathy, generalized | None | 6.8×106 |
24225 | RM | SIVmac239 | 28 | Late Acute | No significant findings | None | 1.5×106 |
551 | RM | SIVmac239 | 168 | Chronic/Non-AIDS | Lymphadenopathy, generalized, moderate; Lymphocytic portal inflammation, moderate multifocal; Pulmonary lymphoid hyperplasia, marked | None | 1.0×106 |
83I | RM | SIVmac239 | 168 | Chronic/Non-AIDS | Renal lymphofollicular inflammation, mild focal | None | 1.4×106 |
AD09 | RM | SIVmac239 | 161 | Chronic/Non-AIDS | Lymphadenopathy, generalized, moderate; Portal hapatitis, chronic suppurative with fibrosis | None | 2.7×106 |
AY25 | RM | SIVmac239 | 273 | Chronic/Non-AIDS | Lymphadenopathy, mild; Gastritis, minimal; Colitis, mild with mucosal hyperplasia | None | 3.5×105 (30)c |
AY44 | RM | SIVmac239 | 273 | Chronic/Non-AIDS | Lymphadenopathy, follicular, mild; Colitis, mild with mucosal hyperplasia; Hepatitis, mild; Nephritis, mild | None | 2.0106 (55)c |
R443d | RM | SIVmac239 | 391 | Chronic/Non-AIDS | No apparent clinical manifestations of disease | ND | 1.4×105 |
R457d | RM | SIVmac239 | 397 | Chronic/Non-AIDS | Chronic diarrhea and recurrent epistaxis | ND | 8.4×105 |
R462d | RM | SIVmac239 | 396 | Chronic/Non-AIDS | Weight loss | ND | 2.8×105 |
AY99 | RM | SIVmac239 | 213 | Chronic/AIDS | Lymphadenopathy, generalized, moderate; Gastritis, mild-moderate; Colitis; mild with multifocal lymphoid follicles; Enteritis, multifocal and focally extensive with no overt OIs. | CMV meningitis, buccal Candida | 1.0×107 |
R451e | RM | SIVmac239 | 148 | Chronic/AIDS | Chronic diarrhea, weight loss and cutaneous lesions; Enteritis, multifocal and focally extensive with no overt OIs. | NF | 4.1×107f |
R475e | RM | SIVmac239 | 195 | Chronic/AIDS | Chronic diarrhea, intermittent epistaxis and weight loss; Enteritis, multifocal and focally extensive with no overt OIs. | NF | 7.6×108 |
R268e | RM | SIVsmE660 | 56 | Chronic/AIDS | Chronic diarrhea, Polyuria/Polydipsia and weight loss; Enteritis, multifocal and focally extensive with no overt OIs. | NF | 1.4×109 |
R437e | RM | SIVsmE660 | 184 | Chronic/AIDS | Chronic diarrhea and weight loss; Enteritis, extensive with no overt OIs. | NF | 7.8×106 |
FOu | SM | None | Uninfected | - | NR | None | NA |
FZr | SM | None | Uninfected | - | NR | None | NA |
FAv | SM | SIVsmm | Naturally infected | Non-AIDS | NR | None | 1.0×104g |
FBn | SM | SIVsmm | Naturally infected | Non-AIDS | NR | None | 3.1×104g |
FBq | SM | SIVsmm | Naturally infected | Non-AIDS | NR | None | 4.1×104g |
FFq | SM | SIVsmm | Naturally infected | Non-AIDS | NR | None | 3.5×104g |
FKn | SM | SIVsmm | Naturally infected | Non-AIDS | NR | None | 1.2×104g |
Viral loads are SIV vRNA copies/mL of plasma and the detection limit of this assay was 125 copies of vRNA/ml of plasma as reported previously [53]. bAnimal 27776 was given i.vag. aldithriol-2 (AT-2)-inactivated SIVmac239, using the same inoculation schedule as that for the other animals inoculated i.vag. with SIVmac. This animal, had no signs of infection and was considered an uninfected control. cViral loads measured 1 week prior being placed on an ART regimen, which lasted 5 weeks. Parentheses are viral load measurements at time of euthanasia (i.e. 5 weeks post ART). dPathology reports were not available for these animals, thus only major clinical findings are reported but ehaematoxylin and eosin stains were examined on tissues when possible. However, we did have sufficient tissue to perform large bowel histopathological evaluation, which are also reported. fViral load measured 4 weeks before euthanasia. gViral load at time of tissue biopsy. ND, not determined. NR, not relevant, NF, none found.