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. 2010 Aug 18;341:c4229. doi: 10.1136/bmj.c4229

Table 1.

  Characteristics of included studies on fruit and vegetable intake and risk of type 2 diabetes

No No of cases/non-cases Age (years) Measure of intake Confounders measured Follow-up (years) Assessment of type 2 diabetes Quantity (highest v lowest intakes as servings/day) Quality score
Villegas et al 2008,36 Shanghai Women’s Health Study, China 64 191 women 896/63 295 40-70 Personal interview FFQ, calculated g/day for fruit and vegetables separately. Defined green leafy vegetables as greens/Chinese greens/spinach. Data divided into fifths. Calculated hazard ratio BMI, WHR, age, level of education, smoking status, alcohol use, hypertension, disease history, hormone use, occupational history, physical activity 4.6 Confirmed by ADA criteria Fruit: 4.56 v 0.82. Vegetables: 4.04 v 1.15. Green leafy vegetables: 1.28 v 0.26 4
Bazzano et al 2008,37 Nurses Health Study USA (1984 onwards) 71 346 women 4529/66 817 30-55 Self completed FFQ. Calculated servings/day of fruit, vegetables and combined. Defined green leafy vegetables as spinach/kale/lettuce. Data divided into fifths. Calculated hazard ratio BMI, physical activity, smoking status, alcohol use, hormone therapy, family history, hypertension, cholesterol 18 Confirmed if met WHO criteria (before 1997) or ADA criteria (after 1998) Fruit: 2.5 v 0.5. Vegetables: 5.2 v 1.5. Fruit and vegetables: 7.5 v 2.1. Green leafy vegetable: data not given 4
Montonen et al 2005,38 Finnish Mobile Clinic Health Examination Survey 4304 men and women 383/3921 40-69 Dietary history interview. Calculated g/day for fruit and vegetables separately. Gave no definition for green leafy vegetables. Data divided into quarters. Calculated relative risks Occupation, illness, medication, health status, smoking status, blood pressure 23 Confirmed via social insurance institutions register Fruit: >1.47 v <0.31. Vegetables: >1.23 v <0.4. Green leafy vegetables: >0.4 v <0.1 3
Liu et al 2004,39 Women’s Health Study, USA 38 018 women 1614/36 404 ≥45 Self completed FFQ. Calculated servings/day for fruit, vegetables and combined. Defined green leafy vegetables as spinach/kale/lettuce. Data divided into fifths. Calculated relative risks BMI, smoking status, alcohol use, exercise, family history, menopausal state, vitamin use, blood pressure, cholesterol 8.8 Based on self reported Fruit: 3.91 v 0.62. Vegetables: 6.84 v 1.47. Fruit and vegetables: 10.16 v 2.54. Green leafy vegetables: 1.42 v 0.14 3
Ford et al 2001,40 NHANES, USA 9665 men and women 1018/8647 25-74 Single 24 hour recall. Calculated servings/week for fruit and vegetables combined. Data divided into thirds. Calculated hazard ratios BMI, age, ethnicity smoking, blood pressure, hypertension medication, cholesterol, exercise, alcohol, education 20 Confirmed either by self report or hospital records Fruit and vegetables: >5 v 0 1
Meyer et al 2000,41 Iowa Women’s Health Study, USA 35 988 women 1141/34 847 55-69 Self completed FFQ. Calculated servings/day for fruit, vegetables, and combined. Data divided into fifths. Calculated hazard ratios BMI, WHR, age, level of education, physical activity, smoking habits, alcohol intake, medication use, 6 Based on self reported Fruit: 3.36 v 0.57. Vegetables: 5.93 v 1.57. Fruit and vegetables: 8.86 v 2.57 2

FFQ=food frequency questionnaire, BMI=body mass index, WHR=weight:height ratio, ADA=American Diabetes Association.