Figure 5.
Comparisons of SAXS characterized changes amongst the protein complexes in an allosteric energy cycle. As represented by the schematic above data panels, this energy cycle includes four enzyme complexes. Therefore, comparisons can be made in two ways. In panels/schematic on the left, the ΔP(r) function associated with the binding of PEP are compared when amino acid is absent (closed circles; ●) or is present (open squares; □). In the panels/schematic on the right; the ΔP(r) function associated with the binding of amino acid are compared when PEP is absent (closed circles; ●) or is present (open squares; □). Data panels are labeled by the respective amino acid. Schematics of representative comparisons are shown above data panels; ΔP(r) data included in data panels are from comparisons within each circle within the schematic. In the schematic as in the data panels, E represents enzyme and A represents PEP. In contrast to Figure 4, X represents any amino acid ligand. Arrows within the schematic represent either the comparisons used to generate ΔP(r) data (within circles) or the comparisons made in each data panel (between circles). Errors are based on propagated counting statistics; error bars are displayed for all data and when not apparent are smaller than symbols.