Fig. 4.
PDGF-AA signals through the primary cilium and activates Akt at the ciliary basal body in the centrosome. Western blotting analysis of phospho-PDGFRα (phosphorylated at tyrosine in position 754) and phospho-Akt upon PDGF-AA stimulation in wt and Tg737orpk MEFs (A). Quantification of Akt phosphorylation in wt and Tg737orpk MEFs before and after stimulation with PDGF-AA (B), shows that the level of Akt phosphorylation increases approximately 7-fold in wt MEFs (p<0.01). Figure 4C shows PDGFRα activation in wt and Tg737orpk MEFs. Immunoprecipitated PDGFRα was stimulated for 10 min with 50 ng/ml PDGF-AA, and the level of phospho-receptor was detected with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody (p-Tyr). (D) IF analysis on the localization of phospho-Akt (second panel, red) before and after three minutes stimulation of growth-arrested wt and Tg737orpk MEFs with 50 ng/ml PDGF-AA. The primary cilium was stained with anti-detyrosinated-tubulin (glu-tub (first panel, green), arrows), which marks both the primary cilium and the two centrioles [24] (asterisks). The third panel of inserts shows the merged images.