Figure 7. Less neurodegeneration in brains treated with p90RSK inhibitor FMK.
A. Cresyl violet staining image of the vehicle-control brain at 72 h Rp. CL: contralateral hemisphere. IL: ipsilateral hemisphere. Dashed line: the ischemic core area. Square box: regions where the FJ-C staining was evaluated. Scale bar: 2 mm. B. Representative images of FJ-C staining at 72 h Rp after 1 h MCAO. a, b, e, f: vehicle-control. c, d, g, h: FMK-treated. Arrowhead: non-degenerating cells with diffuse FJ staining. Arrow: degenerated cells with the condensed FJ staining. Scale bar: 75 μm. C. Summary data. FJ-C positive cells with the condensed cellular morphology were counted in the ipsilateral core area (cortex, striatum). Data are means ± SD (n = 4). * p < 0.05 vs. vehicle-control.