Immunohistochemistry using anti-Ecadherin (Green) or anti-Laminin (Red) antibodies to evaluate branching morphogenesis in E11.5 kidneys that have been cultured for 48 hours in the presence of DMSO (A,C,E,G and I), 100uM IWR1 (B), 100uM IWR1-Exo (D), 5uM IWP2 (F), 50uM IWP7 (H) or 200uM XAV939 (J). Newly induced renal vesicles are indicated by arrows while the absence of any mesenchymally derived tubules are indicated by an arrow head. (K) A graphical depiction of the number of branching tips counted in kidneys cultured for 48 hours in IWP2 (blue line), IWR1 (red line) or XAV939 (green line).