Figure 3.
Panels A to C: Demonstration of GFP-expressing putative macrophages in thioglycollate elicited macrophages. These cells also express MOMA-2 (Panel B) as well as F4/80 (Panel C). Brief fixation (5 minutes) followed by permeabilization was performed prior to staining with MOMA-2. The fixation and permeabilization likely depleted the peritoneal cells of the neutrophils, and hence the proportion of GFP-expressing cells in Figures 3B (which were fixed and permeabilized for MOMA-2 staining) is higher than those shown in Figures 3A and 3C which are unfixed.
Panels D to F: Demonstration of GFP-expressing putative macrophages in freshly frozen sections. Panels D and E: Thymus sections at 10X and 60X magnification, respectively. Thymic macrophages have intricate processes surrounding other macrophages.
F and G: Kidney sections at 2X and 60X magnifications. Most of the GFP-expressing cells were found in the renal cortex and seen intercalated between renal tubules.
Panel H: F4/80 and CSF-1R expression in murine bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMNC). Wild-type C57/Bl6 mouse were analyzed for expression of F4/80 antigen and CSF-1R by multi-color flow cytometry results indicate that only a small proportion of BMMNC (1.5%) are CSF-1R-positive, while about 25% of cells are positive for F4/80. Amongst the CSF-1R-positive cells, 25% are negative for F4/80 antigen.