Figure 3.
SDS-PAGE and western blot analysis of the purification of the LcrV-CTA2/B chimeras. A) SDS-PAGE of d-galactose agarose elutions 1 and 2 of the Y.enterocolitica LcrV-CTA2/B chimera (pCTD002). B) Western blot analysis of the Y.enterocolitica chimera using α-CTA, α-CTB and α-LcrV antibodies. C) SDS-PAGE of d-galactose agarose elutions 1 and 2 of the Y. pestis LcrV-CTA2/B chimera (pCTD007) from 25 ml of starting culture. Bands at 38kD represent the LcrV-CTA2 fusion, and bands at 11.5kD represent CTB monomeric subunits.