Model of TGF-α as the factor that might confer a growth advantage on
RCC cells on the loss of VHL function. (A)
VHL−/− RCC cells abnormally overproduce factors, such as
TGF-α and VEGF, that would otherwise accumulate only in hypoxic
conditions. This overproduction may be because of HIFα stabilization.
Because RPTECs are sensitive to TGF-α but not to VEGF for growth, we
suggest that these cells might engage in a TGF-α-mediated
autocrine/paracrine circuit loop that can stimulate their growth.
This loop might be an important oncogenic event on the loss of VHL
function, explaining why VHL−/− RCC cells are able to
grow in low serum. (B) Reintroduction of VHL into
VHL−/− RCC causes levels of TGF-α to be down-regulated,
possibly explaining why these cells do not grow in low serum and do not
form tumors in nude mice.