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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 Aug 24.
Published in final edited form as: Psychol Sci. 2010 Jun 4;21(7):960–969. doi: 10.1177/0956797610372637

Table 1.

Feature Likelihoods to Best Differentiate Competing Theoretical Models of the Value of Information

Feature likelihoods Model preferring F (m1) Model preferring G (m2)

Condition P(f1|a) P(f1|b) P(g1|a) P(g1|b) DStr Model PStrm1 eum1(F) eum1(G) Model PStrm2 eum2(F) eum2(G)
1 0 .24 .57 0 14.5 Probability gain 14.4 0.072 0.000 Information
  gain (impact,
−14.5 0.135 0.280
2 0 .29 .57 0 20.2 Probability gain 17.4 0.087 0.000 Impact
−23.5 0.122 0.239
3 0 .40 .73 .22 8.2 Information gain
  gain, probability
7.2 0.238 0.166 Impact −9.2 0.168 0.214
4 .05 .95 .57 0 37.9 Probability gain,
  gain, impact
36.0a Probability
−39.9 0.000 0.399

Note: Subjects classified the species of simulated plankton specimens as species a or b, where the species was a probabilistic function of two two-valued features, F (with values f1 and f2) and G (with values g1 and g2). In all conditions, P(a) = .70 and P(b) = .30. F denotes the feature with higher probability gain, and G denotes the feature with lower probability gain. Disagreement strength (DStr) is the geometric mean of the opposed models’ respective absolute preference strengths; it scales between 0 (none) and 100 (maximal). PStrm1 denotes Model 1’s preference strength between F and G. This is positive because Model 1 prefers F over G in each case. PStrm2 denotes Model 2’s preference strength between F and G. This is negative because Model 2 prefers G over F in each case. PStr scales between −100 and 100. The expected utility (eu) of F according to Model 1 is denoted by eum1(F). Models in parentheses were not optimized in the condition per se, but also prefer the feature in their respective columns.


In Condition 4, PStrm1 is based on the geometric mean of the individual preference strengths of probability gain (50), information gain (34), and impact (28).