Fig. 4.
Larval muscle-specific expression of Lamin C ΔN causes leg defects in adult legs and leg imaginal discs. (A,B) Third leg from adult flies (A) and pupae (B) expressing wild-type Lamin C (wt) or Lamin C ΔN (ΔN) by the C57 driver. Note the twisting of the leg in pupae and adult flies (red arrows) expressing Lamin C ΔN. (C) Leg discs from 6-hour pupae expressing wild-type (Lamin C wt) or N terminal deletion of Lamin C (Lamin C ΔN) by the C57 driver were dissected, fixed and stained with Phalloidin, which outlines the cell borders. Note the shortened leg length and unusual cell shape upon expression of Lamin C ΔN.