A Protein lysate from mouse ear was run on a 4–20 % SDS PAGE. UAS-monomer transfection in mouse ear resulted in a unique 12 kDa band recognized by the anti-Aβ42 antibody (Mon). In ear lysate from mice immunized with Gal4/UAS Aβ42 trimer, protein bands of about 16 and 20 kDa, and dimerized bands of about 32 and 40 kDa, respectively were detected by the Aβ42 antibody (Tri). CMV-Aβ42 trimer transfection in mouse ear produced the same sized bands as Gal4/UAS-trimer but the amount was significantly reduced and dimerized products were not detected (CMV-Tri). The ear lysate transfected with control DNA (Gal4/UAS-Luc) showed no protein bands detectable by Aβ42 antibody (Luc). B Image J analyses of the bands in A which had been normalized to the level of APP protein in the same lane. The first seven bars show the intensities for the individual bands corresponding to this numbers; in the last three bars the intensities are summarized for each vaccination construct used. Black bars show values for Gal4/UAS-Aβ42 trimer, hatched bars show values for Gal4/UAS-Aβ42 monomer, and grey bars show pixel densities for CMV-Aβ42 trimer