Electron density maps and ribbon models of nucleotide-binding sites in
the two ncs subunits. Possible residues that interact with nucleotides
are depicted: Y14, I15, Y168, R179, and D180 are in contact with the
adenine bases; K51 and T52 (Walker A), D97 (Walker B), T146 (Sensor I),
and R205 (Sensor II) may interact with the phosphate groups. The stick
models of (a) AMPPNP and (b) ADP were
represented with corresponding simulated annealed
Fo − Fc
omit maps at a 1.5σ contour. The nucleotide atoms were omitted from
the map calculation. Ribbons corresponding to the two sensor motifs and
the two Walker motifs are indicated by the same color as in Fig.
1c. (c) Structural differences between
the “A” (blue) and “B” (yellow) forms. Here, only the Cα
backbones of domain N (ATPase domain) were superimposed between the two
ncs molecules.