Counterbalancing effect of JIL-1 and Su(var)3-7 loss-of-function alleles on PEV of the P-element insertion line 118E-15. (A) Examples of the degree of PEV in the eyes of wild-type JIL-1 and Su(var)3-7 (wt), JIL-1z60/JIL-1z2 (z2/z60), Su(var)3-77.1A/+, and JIL-1z2 Su(var)3-77.1A/JIL-1z60 (z2, 3-77.1A/z60) flies in a 118E-15 background. All images are from male flies. (B) Histograms of the distribution of the percentage of red ommatidia in wt, JIL-1z60/JIL-1z2 (z2/z60), Su(var)3-77.1A/+, and JIL-1z2 Su(var)3-77.1A/JIL-1z60 (z2, 3-77.1A/z60) male flies homozygous for 118E-15.