Fig. 5.
8,9-EET analog(214) protects against SD evoked loss of mitochondrial membrane potentials in a ROCK dependent manner. A: The cells were stained with JC-1 probe and imaged by the fluorescent microscope. Representative images of cells from each of the 7 groups are shown as well as average green/red ratios for each group. Increases in green (and hence the green to red ratio) correlate with mitochondrial depolarization. B: Quantitative analysis of the shift of mitochondrial green fluorescence to red fluorescence from ten randomly selected fields obtained from each group. All values are denoted as means ± S.E.M. from ten independent photographs shot in each group. C: The expression of Bcl-2 in rat PASMCs. Representative images and averaged data of Bcl-2 and beta actin (to serve as a loading control) in rat PASMCs are shown. The relative ratio of Bcl-2 to actin in control cells was set at 1.0 and data from other cell groups normalized to the same. Bcl-2 expression was decreased by SD, but this decrease was partially mitigated by 8,9-EET analog(214). Protection against starvation associated loss of expression of Bcl-2 by exogenous 8,9-EET analog(214) was partly blocked by Y-27632 (ROCK inhibitor). D: The expression of Bax in rat PASMCs. Representative images and averaged data of Bax and beta actin (to serve as a loading control) in rat PASMCs are shown. The raio of Bax to beta actin in control cells was set at 1.0 and data from other groups normalized. Starvation increased expression of Bax, and this increase was largely blocked by treatment with the 8,9-EET analog(214). Expression of Bax in cells treated with both 8,9-EET analog(214) and Y-27632 (ROCK inhibitor) or Y-27632 alone was indistinguishable from that of serum starved cells alone. E: The expression of Bcl-2 in rat PASMCs. The relative ratio of Bcl-2 to actin in control cells was set at 1.0 and data from other cell groups normalized to the same. The inhibitory effect of 8,9-EET analog(214) on starvation associated loss of expression of Bcl-2 was partly blocked by HA-1077 (ROCK inhibitor). All values are denoted as means ± S.E.M. from three or more independent batches of cells (*p<0.05 compared with Control; #p<0.05 compared with SD).