Figure 7.
Ectopic expression of p107 influences fiber type determination. (A) Western blot for endogenous p107 and Flag-tagged p107 of electroporated (Elec) Flag-p107 and contralateral untreated (Ctrl) TAs at 10- and 30-d postelectroporation (DPE). (B) PCR detection of electroporated Flag-p107 (Elec) and contralateral untreated (Ctrl) TA muscles after 10- and 30-d DPE. P, Flag-p107; S, empty vector (sham). (C) Type IIa MyHC (red) and Laminin (green) fluorescence immunostaining of representative sections for nonelectroporated and contralateral electroporated TA muscle with empty vector (Sham) or with p107. Note the decreased levels of type IIa oxidative fibers for the p107 electroporated muscle. (D) p107 influences the fiber type character of skeletal muscle in vivo. Graphical representation of the percentage of muscle fibers expressing type IIa MyHC for electroporated TA muscle with empty vector (Sham) or with p107 from their nonelectroporated contralateral TA. Note the significantly reduced oxidative type IIa fibers for p107 expressing TAs. The asterisk denotes significance (P < 0.03; n = 3). Error bars indicate SD.