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. 2009 Oct;27(5):696–703. doi: 10.3329/jhpn.v27i5.3781

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics of a popu lation-based sample of partners from Kasulu district, western Tanzania, 2007 (n=826)

Characteristics No. %
Male demographics
  Age, mean (SD) 36.4 9.7
    No schooling 122 14.8
    Some primary 143 17.3
    Completed primary 545 66.0
  Some secondary or more 16 1.9
  Occupation: farming or fishing 772 93.5
  Ethnicity Muha 811 98.2
    Christian 727 88.0
    Muslim 80 9.7
Female demographics
  Age, mean (SD) 30.1 7.2
    No schooling 229 27.7
    Some primary 90 10.9
    Completed primary 505 61.1
    Some secondary or more 2 0.2
  Occupation: farming or fishing 814 98.5
  Ethnicity Muha 812 98.3
    Christian 748 90.6
    Muslim 64 7.7
Partner demographics
  Currently married 820 99.3
  Number of living children
    0–1 108 13.1
    2–4 368 44.6
    5 or more 343 41.5
  Distance (km) to the nearest health facility
    In village 626 75.8
    0.1–4.9 52 6.3
    ≥5 148 17.9
Location of delivery
  Home 506 61.3
  Government dispensary 78 9.4
  Government health centre 39 4.7
  Government hospital 53 6.4
  Mission health facility 150 18.2

SD=Standard deviation