Productive Safety-net Programme
Consists of labour-intensive public works, i.e. grants to households whose adults participate in public works sub-projects and direct support, i.e. grants to households that are labour-poor and cannot undertake public works
O Instituto Nacional De Acção Social
A cash-transfer programme to households or individuals meeting certain eligibility criteria. Known as a ‘food subsidy’, it is a monthly cash-transfer to extremely poor citizens to ease the combined negative effects of war, natural disasters, and the structural adjustment programme
South Africa
Child support grant
Consists of a monthly amount paid to children from birth to 14 years, who meet the eligibility criteria. The grants are either paid in cash at specified pay-points, or deposited directly into the primary care giver's bank account. The primary care giver is any person who takes primary responsibility for the daily needs of the child
Free social services
Free primary education
Exemption from paying all primary education fees
South Africa
Free healthcare
No user-fees in primary healthcare facilities. Also includes free hospital services to children aged less then 14 years, pregnant women, pensioners, persons receiving social grants, and the formally unemployed; tuberculosis services; HIV voluntary counselling and testing; prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV; cervical screening at clinics; medico-legal services for sexual assault survivors; and free healthcare for people with disabilities. Pregnant women and children covered by private medical insurance and/or living in households with an income of more than 100,000 South African Rands (about US$ 10,000) per year are not eligible for free hospital care
Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM)
A component of the Government's wider social protection strategy, BEAM consists of a national school-fee assistance programme that provides tuition, levy and examination fee assistance, targeting children who have never been to school or who have dropped out of school or are likely to do so due to a lack of funds
Institutional arrangements to ensure integration and improved effectiveness
An integrated programme to address school-girl pregnancy across health, education and social welfare sectors, and part of national policies directed at improving the situation of pregnant school-girls
Gauteng province in South Africa
Bana Pele (Children first)
Conceptualized as a pro-poor, comprehensive and integrated package of free services aimed at vulnerable children with one referral form and access from various entry-points, such as clinics, schools, and social welfare services
National Poverty Eradication Programme
A coordination mechanism to ensure that the core poverty-eradication ministries are effective and with the overall aim of spearheading the Government's ambitious programme of eradicating absolute poverty among Nigerians