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. 2010 Aug 11;6:20. doi: 10.1186/1746-4269-6-20

Table 2.

Medicinal value of parts of H. abyssinica in the study sites

Bark Flower Root Leaf Wood

Fever/cough Intestinal worms (tape worm) Stomachache Diarrhea Stomachache (reddish color liquid from the sapwood)

Stomachache For healing wound Typhoid

Cold (bronchitis) Epilepsy* Cough

Livestock disease (thin/skinny body) Evil eye Livestock disease (mixed with Juniperus procera)


Bark Flower Root Leaf Wood

Dermatology Intestinal worms (tape worm) Stomachache Diarrhea Stomachache (reddish color liquid from the sapwood)

Malaria Hepatitis* Severe abdominal pain Livestock disease

Stomachache Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Throat disease

Livestock disease Problems related to Bile Cancer (mixed with other plants)*


Bark Flower Root Leaf/seeds Wood

Livestock disease Intestinal worms (tape worm) Severe stomach pain For healing injured part (human/livestock)

* Information obtained from traditional healers