(A) In vivo repression analysis of
constructs carrying wild-type and mutant versions of
ASH1. Wild-type and mutant versions of
ASH1 were fused to the LexA DNA-binding domain and were
tested for repression activity of HO-CAN1 in an
ash1Δ strain in the presence or absence of canavanine
as indicated. Cultures growing in liquid selective medium were diluted
and spotted on plates from highest dilution to lowest (from left to
right). SD, synthetic dextrose. (B) ASH1
C502R encodes a full-length protein. An ash1Δ strain
(IH3964) was transformed with plasmids carrying a vector control
(MY160, lane 1), wild-type ASH1 (MY158, lane 2), or
ASH1 C502R (MY159, lane 3) and assayed for Ash1p by
using anti-Ash1p peptide antibodies.