Fig. 6.
Ryanodine has a dual effect on the NPo of reconstituted SR channels. A: recordings of prevalent SR channels in absence (top trace) and presence of increasing amounts of ryanodine (0.05–100 μM) added to solution bathing the bilayer cis side; V = 25 mV. NPo was obtained as described for Fig. 2. An oblique arrow (on 4th trace) points to prevalence of a ryanodine-induced subconductance state, which can coexist with the main conductance (vertical arrow on 2nd trace). B: a concentration response for ryanodine demonstrates a dual effect of the alkaloid on channel NPo (see main text). *Different from control, P < 0.05; **different from control, P < 0.01; ***different from control, P < 0.001 (n = 8).