Figure 4.
attC recombination, in ‘replicative' recombination conditions. (A) Recombination frequencies of the different attC sites in the ‘replicative' assay as a function of their VTS length (see Additional materials: recombination assay with a replicative double-stranded substrate). Error bars show s.d. (B) Secondary structures of VCR97a and VCR97b as predicted by UNAFOLD. The free energy of single-strand attC site folding (ΔG) and of cruciform extrusion (ΔGc), the probability to fold a recombinogenic attC site and its measured recombination frequencies are indicated for each site. The A17, whose probability to bind the corresponding T is used as a proxi for the probability of the attC site to fold in a recombinogenic structure, is highlighted. For the calculation of the probability to fold a recombinogenic attC site and the free energy of cruciform formation, see Additional materials.