Figure 3.
Regulation of cytosolic pH by glucose metabolism. (A) Important metabolic pathways for glucose and galactose. Genes encoding for enzymes important in this study are indicated. (B) Influence of pyruvate kinase (CDC19) on cytosolic pH. Logarithmically grown cells (25°C) were processed for SNARF-4 staining at 37°C. pH was determined 10 min after glucose addition at 37°C. The average±σ of four independent experiments is shown. Asterisks (*) indicate P-values obtained from a t-test of P<0.05. (C) V-ATPase assembly and cytosolic pH is reduced in pgm2Δ cells on galactose (gal), but not glucose (glc). Cells were grown in YPD or YPGal medium and processed for SNARF-4 staining. Cells were resuspended in SD or SGal and pH was determined after 10 min. Data from four independent experiments are represented as in (B) and asterisks (*) indicate P-values obtained from a t-test of P<0.05. (D, E) Excess 2-DOG leads to reduction of cytosolic pH in glucose-grown cells. Time-lapse analysis of cells expressing Vma5p-RFP and pHluorin grown in 0.2% glucose that were subjected to an excess of 2-DOG (2%). (D) cytosolic pH and (E) V-ATPase assembly were scored as in Figure 1C and E.