A, B and C, VEGF protein levels and D, E and F, VEGF mRNA levels in 4T1, EMT6 and MMT, respectively. MT were treated with leptin (0 or 1.2nM) in the presence of inhibitors for HIF-1α (NS398, 10µM), AP1 (Tanshinone IIA, 50µM), NFκB (IKK inhibitor, 100µM) and SP1 (Mithramycin A, 0.2µ µM) for 24h. VEGF protein levels were determined by ELISA (pg/ml/mg-protein) and VEGF mRNA levels were quantified by real-time RT-PCR. (a) p<0.05 when comparing levels of protein or mRNA of leptin-treated cells to control (basal) with or without inhibitors. Data (mean ± standard error) representative results derived from a minimum of 3 independent experiments. B: basal, L: leptin, N: NS398, T: Tanshinone IIA, I: IKK inhibitor, M: Mithramycin A.