The Hexuple AP2-Like miR172 Mutant Recapitulates the miR172 Overexpressor.
(A) miR172 target clade quadruple (smz-2 snz-1 toe1-2 toe2-1) mutant, hexuple (smz-2 snz-1 toe1-2 toe2-1 toe3-1 ap2-6) mutant, and 35S:miR172a plants flower earlier than Col-0 control plants.
(B) Cauline (gray) and rosette (black) leaves to flower in mutants pictured in (A). All hexuple mutant plants and >75% of 35S:miR172 plants exhibited the AP2 floral homeotic phenotype (i.e., lack petals). Plants were grown in long days. Error bars indicate 2xSEM of the total leaf number.