Infection Assays with the tig1 Mutant.
(A) Rice leaves sprayed with conidia from the wild-type strain Guy11, an ectopic transformant ECT23, and tig1 mutant KT-1.
(B) Injection assays with Guy11 and KT-1. Inoculation with 0.25% gelatin was the negative control. The tig1 mutant only caused limited necrosis at the wound site.
(C) Assays for fungal growth on surface-sterilized rice leaves inoculated by spray (top panels) or injection (bottom panels). Abundant hyphae and conidia were observed on leaves inoculated with Guy11. No fungal growth was observed on rare brown spots or limited necrotic regions at the wound sites caused by the tig1 mutant.
[See online article for color version of this figure.]