Figure 3. DEET-induced action potentials required Gr66a, Gr33a and Gr32a.
(A) Tip recordings showing the mean responses in s6 sensilla to 0.2% DEET. The deficits in the Gr66aex83, Gr33a1 and ΔGr32a mutants were rescued significantly by the wild-type transgenes. The rescue control for Gr66a was 7-Gr66a− and the rescue transgene was 8-Gr66a+. Gr66aex stands for Gr66aex83. The Gr33a rescue construct was UAS-Gr33a+ and the Gr32a rescue was performed using the genomic transgene, gGr32a+. The error bars indicate S.E.M.s. (B) Representative traces of DEET-induced action potentials in the wild-type control, Gr33a1 and Gr33a expressing the wild-type transgene: Gr33a1/Gr33aGAL4;UAS-Gr33a/+. The times when the recording pipets were applied to the s6 sensilla are indicated by the asterisks. Arrowheads indicate DEET-induced action potentials.