Figure 1. A lactation defect in WAP-Cre:Rbfl/fl:p107–/– mutant mice.
(A) Shown are 2 litters of 10-day old pups fed by a multiparous WAP-Cre:Rbfl/fl:p107–/– female (top, 4 pups) or control Rbfl/fl:p107–/– female (bottom, 6 pups). (B and C) Whole-mount staining of representative mammary glands from multiparous (third pregnancy) Rbfl/fl:p107–/– control (B) and WAP-Cre:Rbfl/fl:p107–/– (C) females at day 15 of lactation. Note more condensed lobuloalveoli in control relative to RbΔfl mammary gland. LA, lobuloalveoli; D, duct. (D–F) H&E staining of cross-sections through mammary glands from Rbfl/fl:p107–/– control (D) and WAP-Cre:Rbfl/fl:p107–/– (E and F) mice at day 15 of lactation. Arrows point to abnormal/involuting lobuloalveolar structures; asterisks mark abundant adipocyte tissue in RbΔfl lactating gland. A, alveolar lumen. Original magnification, ×50 (B and C); ×200 (D and E); ×400 (F).