Table 3.
HAMD17 Item Means, Item Total Correlations (rit) Scale Means, Scale Standard Deviations, and Coefficients α
Item | Mean | rit |
Depressed mood | .97 | .76 |
Guilt feelings and delusions | .91 | .61 |
Suicide | .30 | .54 |
Initial insomnia | .73 | .50 |
Middle insomnia | .94 | .47 |
Delayed insomnia | .58 | .51 |
Work and interests | 1.24 | .74 |
Retardation | .36 | .60 |
Agitation | .63 | .52 |
Psychic anxiety | .79 | .68 |
Somatic anxiety | 1.17 | .58 |
Appetite | .30 | .43 |
Somatic energy | .89 | .66 |
Libido | .73 | .44 |
Hypochondriasis | .53 | .44 |
Loss of insight | .03 | −.12 |
Weight loss | .26 | .24 |
Scale Mean | 11.4 | |
Scale Standard Deviation | 8.6 | |
Coefficient α | .89 |