Table 2.
Prevalence, odds ratio, and p values for offspring conduct disorder (CD) (three or more symptoms) as an unadjusted function of paternal drug-dependence (DD) or alcohol-dependence (AD) history
Offspring CD |
Variable | Prevalence % | OR [95% CI] | pa |
Multifactorial model | |||
1. HGHE-D | |||
Hi-G and hi-E DD/AD groupb | 21.3 | 2.27 [1.55, 3.30]*** | .000 |
2. HGLE-D | |||
Hi-G and low-E DD/AD groupb | 14.7 | 1.44 [0.71, 2.92] | .32 |
3. MGLE-D | |||
Mod-G and low-E DD/AD groupb | 11.1 | 1.05 [0.49, 2.23] | .91 |
4. HGHE-A | |||
Hi-G and hi-E AD groupc | 16.1 | 1.60 [1.10, 2.34]* | .02 |
5. HGLE-A | |||
Hi-G and low-E AD groupc | 13.5 | 1.31 [0.77, 2.23] | .32 |
6. MGLE-A | |||
Mod-G and low-E AD groupc | 5.4 | 0.48 [0.22, 1.04] | .06 |
7. LGLE | |||
Low-G and low-E group (ref.) | 10.7 | 1.00 (ref. group) | (ref.) |
Overall prevalence of CD | 14.8 | ||
Individual contrast models | |||
Contrast: HGHE-D vs. HGHE-A | 1.42 [1.03, 1.95]* | .03 | |
Contrast: HGLE-D vs. HGLE-A | 1.10 [0.51, 2.39] | .81 | |
Contrast: MGLE-D vs. MGLE-A | 2.19 [0.81, 5.91] | .12 |
Notes: OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval; HG = high genetic; HE = high environmental; D = drug; G = genetic; E = environmental; LE = low environmental; MG = medium genetic; A = alcohol; LG = low genetic; ref. = reference.
P values for each group in the multifactorial model are compared with Group 7, the reference group;
DD: offspring risk due to twin or cotwin history of drug dependence with or without AD;
AD: offspring risk due to twin or cotwin history of alcohol dependence (without DD).