Fig. 3.
Characteristics of the pico-prymnesiophyte metagenome. (A) Gene density histograms as the proportion of nucleotides in genes over all chromosomes within an incrementally sampled sliding window in prasinophytes and photosynthetic (diatoms and Aureococcus) and nonphotosynthetic (Phytophthora) stramenopiles. Average gene density on pico-prymnesiophyte scaffolds was 74% (magenta line). (B) Venn diagram of pico-prymnesiophyte genes in relation to prasinophyte (green, Micromonas and Ostreococcus), diatom (beige), and Phytophthora (yellow) genes by BLASTP (e-value ≤1.0e−9). Numbers indicate gene counts in each Venn group (magenta letters), whereas pie charts show relative best BLAST proportions for overlapping groups. Some pico-prymnesiophyte genes (blue text) were not found in the other lineages. (C) Comparison of functional profiles of pico-prymnesiophyte–specific genes with those from each Venn group by high-level Gene Ontology (GO) molecular functions. Relative proportions are shown for each GO function within a Venn group such that each column represents 100%.