Feeding preferences of Col-0- and 35S:EBFS-reared aphids, and time course of habituation and dehabituation. (A) Aphids reared on Col-0 and 35S:EBFS were given a choice between Col-0 and 35S:EBFS leaves. Mean ± SEM of n = 14; P values from a generalized linear model with a binomial error structure. (B) Nonhabituated M. persicae previously reared on Col-0 were placed on Col-0 and 35S:EBFS, and responses to synthetic EBF were determined after one, two, and three generations. (C) Habituated M. persicae previously reared on 35S:EBFS were placed on Col-0 and 35S:EBFS, and responses to synthetic EBF were determined after one, two, and three generations (n = 20; *P < 0.05, pair-wise comparison of Col-0 vs. 35S:EBFS with Fisher exact test).