Figure 2. SEC viability at the end of 18 hrs cold storage in UW.
Liver grafts preserved for 18 hrs in control UW or 5% CO-UW were perfused with PI solution, fixed, cut into 6 µ sections, and stained with SE-1 mAb (green) and Hoechst nuclear dye (blue). Upper left: Normal liver showed the networks of healthy SEC with smooth SE-1 surface staining and flat nuclear staining. Lower left: In liver grafts in control UW, many SEC showed co-localization (shown as pink, white arrow heads) of nuclear Hoechst (blue) and PI (red). Boxed area is enlarged and shown in lower right panel. Upper right: There were only few PI+ SE-1+ injured SEC with 5% CO-UW. Hepatcytes did not show any nuclear PI staining. Lower graphs show the number of SE-1+ (left) and SE-1+ PI+ (right) cells. * p <0.01 vs control UW (n=3 for each group).