Figure 4.
VEGF- and bFGF-induced angiogenesis is reduced in Gal3−/− mice. Angiogenesis in vivo was evaluated using the mouse corneal micropocket assay as described in the text using VEGF and bFGF pellets. 5 d after surgery, the animals were perfused with FITC-BS1, and the extent of angiogenesis was evaluated by examining the flat mounts of corneas by fluorescence microscopy. Blood vessel area was calculated using ImageJ. (A) Vessel area of neovascularization expressed in pixel2 × 104. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = >4/group). *, P < 0.05 compared with Gal3+/+ control animals. (B) Representative fluorescence images of corneas. White asterisks indicate pellets. Bar, 200 µm. Data are representative of two independent experiments.