Phylogeny of vertebrate Dlx genes. Neighbor-joining tree
based on an edited clustal alignment of full-length amino
acid sequences of P. marinus Dlx genes, gnathostome
Dlx genes, and amphioxus Dll (see
supplemental data for edited alignment), and rooted on mouse
Msx1 (not shown on tree). Numbers indicate bootstrap
values for selected nodes. There is no strict orthology between any
lamprey Dlx gene and any gnathostome Dlx
gene. Three of the P. marinus Dlx genes (DlxA,
DlxB, and DlxC) group with the gnathostome
Dlx2/3/5 clade, but do
not group with Dlx2, Dlx3, or Dlx5
separately. Likewise, DlxD groups with the gnathostome
Dlx1/6/7 clade, but
does not group with Dlx1, Dlx6, or Dlx7.
Amphioxus Dll is an outgroup to all vertebrate
Dlx genes.