QBIO, life science, and other majors
Mentors: University of Delaware faculty in multiple disciplines, graduate students, and industrial collaborators
University support
Grant funding
Research projects
Lab facilities
Summer research:
Mentoring by faculty representing two areas in quantitative biology
Summer research fellowships dedicated to QBIO majors (co-advised by QBIO affiliated faculty in two areas)
Mentoring by faculty and industrial researchers
Core Bio Labs: Add a strong quantitative analysis component to the investigative labs
Bio-Math Seminar: Regular seminar on quantitative biology accessible to undergraduates; expert outside speakers invited periodically
Orientation on graduate studies and science careers for quantitative biology and other undergraduate students
Number of students demonstrating stronger quantitative background
Number of students pursuing graduate studies in science or professional schools
Number of students participating in undergraduate research at the interface of life sciences and math and statistics
Number of students whose attitudes about science and scientific discovery change
Students develop appreciation for the value of, and excitement about, research in QBIO
Students become interested in careers in science and advanced studies
Students develop good communication skills (reports, posters, oral presentations)
Mentors' skills in interdisciplinary research mentoring are enhanced
More faculty involvement in student research mentoring
Students complete advanced studies in science or professional schools and pursue careers in scientific fields
Graduate student and postdoc mentors apply their skills to mentor students once they start on their careers (academic or industrial)
Faculty continue their involvement in undergraduate research mentoring
University invests more resources to support undergraduate research to expand the opportunities for a larger number of students
A shift of university culture toward integration of interdisciplinary research in teaching, especially the inclusion of a quantitative component
Wide range and largely inclusive opportunities for undergraduate research for undergraduate students at the university
A significant increase in the number of talented students pursuing careers in science and research