Figure 5.
Core (residues 8–53) Cα RMSD to the minimized crystal structure is plotted for a 319 K native (137 ns, N = 13,735), 498 K unfolding (60 ns, N = 5,933), and 319 K quench (395 ns, N = 20,000) simulation. The structure from 5 ns into the 498 K unfolding simulation (8 Å core Cα RMSD, emphasized on the plot) was quenched to 319 K, and after an additional 122 ns (at 127 ns on this plot) refolded to the native state for 272 ns (it unfolded at 399 ns on this plot). The inset shows the detail of the first 60 ns. The color version of the figure can be viewed online.