Phylogenetic relationship of the predicted amino acid sequences of the entire gp85 in JS09GY2, JS09GY3, JS09GY5, and JS09GY6 with reference strains. HPRS103 (GenBank: Z46390), YZ9901 (GenBank: AY897222), SD9901 (GenBank: AY897220), NX0101 (GenBank: AY897227), SD07LK1 (GenBank: FJ216405, from infected layer chicken), SD07LK2 (GenBank: ABX83206, from infected layer chicken), GD06SL1 (GenBank: ABM26973, from local “yellow” chicken), GD06SL3 (GenBank: ABM52966, from local “yellow” chicken), UD4 (GenBank: AAG45097), UD5 (GenBank: AAG45098), ADOL-7501 (GenBank: AAK58476), ADOL-Hc-1 (GenBank: AAC96313), and ADOL-R5-4 (GenBank: AAD25920). Numbers denote the bootstrap confidence interval for 1000 replicates in which a certain branch occurred