Distribution of the length change of the C3H/HeN allele of the Ms6hm
locus in F1 mice. Distribution of the length change in bp
is shown for four groups of F1 mice: F1 mice
from matings of control C3H/HeN males with C57BL/6N females (filled
bar), control C57BL/6N males with C3H/HeN females (forward slash
bar), 6-Gy irradiated C3H/HeN male with C57BL/6N females (open
bar), and 6-Gy irradiated C57BL/6N males with C3H/HeN females (back
slash bar). In the abscissa, <−90 and >+90 include all of the
samples, with the decrease and the increase respectively in length of
more than 90 bp.